Prepare yourself for yet another beautiful baby girl. Elliott’s newborn session was filled with delicate pink, snuggles from mom and dad, and an adorable Winnie the Pooh inspired nursery. She is not only a gorgeous baby, but she slept like a champ through her session! I moved her, covered her, and wrapped her up all […]

Lifestyle Newborn Session | Elliott and her Winnie the Pooh Nursery

June 17, 2019


Just two weeks ago, Laina and Michael brought their sweet Remi Kay home to her adorable blush nursery. Wrapped in a soft swaddle, she was hugged, loved, and given a paci by her big brother. 🙂 It was obvious that Remi Kay was going to be a princess in her house. By the way she […]

Newborn Lifestyle Shoot in Nashville | Blush Pink Nursery


May 22, 2019